Thursday 11 July 2013






4-123 ASTRO











The most fascinating Journey you will ever take, begins with understanding you.

Change your life with Numerology

About Your Personalized Sample Reading

The letters of your birth name and the digits in your birthdate to calculate your personal numbers. Your sample reading will analyze and explore your life path based on the date of your birth. We’ll numerically express your birth name to reveal your expression number. Your Expression Number is used to describe your potential natural talents and abilities and how to best take advantage of what comes natually to you. And finally, your sample reading will reveal your “Souls Urge” also known as “Your hearts Desire”. The Souls Urge refers to What You Desire To Be, To Have, and To Do In Your Life and the obstacles you’ll need to overcome to achieve your dream.

When you sign up you will receive an exclusive report:

“How To Change Your Life With Numerology”, followed by a personalized Numerology Reading.
In addition you will receive free Numerology Tutorials and related promotions. This is a completely free service, and you may unsubscribe at any time by clicking in the unsubscribe link in your email.
Fill out the form, and get started on the most fascinating journey of your life…the path that leads to self discovery.
Your information will only be used for numerology analysis, and will never be shared with any outside party. Please read our complete privacy policy.

About The Numerologist

Master Numerologist Mike Madigan combined his background as a software developer with his passion for numerology, and developed a range of numerology computer software, much of which still runs on this site today. Mike’s love for numerology was too great to ignore, and in 1999 he left is highly-paid software position to become a full-time numerologist, and has never looked back. Mike is the author of book “How to Change Your Life With Numerology”, and its’ upcoming sequel, “Enhance Your Relationships through the Ancient Science of Numbers”. Mike is now growing his team of Master Numerologists to include intuitive and positive people like the new site’s host, Kelsey Grant, and her co-host and funny man, Dan Johnston.

About Numerology

Numerology has been recorded in the human experience for over 4000 years. Discovery of ancient cultures globally have also brought to light use of numerology. What we know in this current day and age to be numerology is largely based on the work of Pythagorus most notably known as the father of mathematics. Each number represents universal principals through which all things evolve and continue to grow in a cyclical manor. The numbers 1-9 symbolize the stages through which an idea/concept must pass before it becomes a reality. All manifestation in the physical dimension is a by-product of these stages. As humans part of our earthly journey is also to travel through the vibrational experiences presented by each number and master them.

Current Name
Birth Name
Date of Birth
Email Address

Numerology analyzes the letters in your full birth name and the digits that comprise your date of birth, and from this information calculates the core of your numerology chart, which reveals startling facts about your life, your personality, and your future. This information will be used for numerology analysis, followed by a personalized Numerology Reading, ongoing Numerology Tutorials, the monthly Newsletter, and related promotions. This is a completely free service, and you may unsubscribe at any time with a single click.


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View A Sample Reading
About the Sample
To see exactly how your birth name and date of birth are used to calculate a numerology chart, please view this sample reading, which explains the calculations in details. It is just like the sample reading you will receive, but your reading will be based on your birth information.

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WARNING: A Law of Attraction System So Powerful That Your Ability To Manifest What You Want, When You Want and For Whatever Reason You Want...will be "certified."

Dr Robert Anthony
Thursday, November 29
From The Desk of Dr. Robert AnthonyBeyond Postitive Thinking : A No Nonsene Formula<br /><br /><br /><br />
        For Getting The Results You Want
ABNLP AssociationMember of ACEPDr Robert Anthony's profile on EzineArticlesDr Robert Anthony's Profile on Self Growth

Dear Reader,

It’s no secret that 95% of all “Self-Improvement” efforts fail. Although it’s not usually the person’s fault, most people never get beyond information to achieve actual results.

You’ve been there right?

You hear about a great new course… another seminar… another book… all promising to “automatically” change your life.

Yet time after time, you don't seem to be getting to that ideal life you imagined.

You suffer through failed promise after failed promise…

  • It can be frustrating.

  • It can be expensive.

  • And it can be downright discouraging.

People have told me they actually feel WORSE after some of these programs, seminars and gurus get done with them.

WORSE! Can you imagine?

That simply shouldn’t happen.

So, how can you know for SURE that the principles, techniques or strategies you’re studying actually work and get results?

The answer is simple; you “certify” your results. But what, exactly, do I mean by “certify”?

Here’s the deal…

No philosophy or teaching should ever be accepted by anyone (including what I teach) unless you can certify its validity in your own life.

How can you do that?

That’s what I want to share with you today…

A No-Nonsense Way To Get The Results You Want...

So SIMPLE, So POWERFUL and So EFFECTIVE you'll gladly toss aside every other so called self-improvement or Law of Attraction program you've every purchased.

Testimonial for The Secret To Deliberate CreationBuy The Secret of Deliberation

Fact is, most of what is being taught about “Manifestation” and the “Law of Attraction” borders on metaphysical malpractice.

I’ll even go on record right here, right now in front of the whole Law of Attraction community and say…

I believe that… if there were a board of review, like there is for most practicing professionals; they’d be very busy shutting down a lot of these so called masters and doctors.

Because, after listening to the manifestation experts you may have been led to believe that all you have to do to "manifest your dreams" is to set your intention, send out positive thoughts, and believe the Universe will magically provide it for you.

Then you’re told to keep repeating this process until the manifestation has happened. In other words, what they are saying is… “If my XYZ Secrets to Manifestation don’t work, it’s because you didn’t stick with it long enough.”

Well, it’s time someone finally shot straight with you…

I'm here to tell you: If you approach manifesting what you want the way most of these “experts” tell you to, then you will be very disappointed.

Let me be even more blunt in case you missed it…

Books and programs like the “Secret” are insufficient. Period.

While it is important to set your intention, think positively and have a strong belief, it only represents a part of what you must do to deliberately create the things you desire.

Because, first of all…

Manifestation Is About Alignment...

Before we go any further, please understand that I cannot give you everything you need to know in a short one page letter like this one.

However, I can show you the differences you need to look for in a worthwhile program and why I might be the guy to help you finally get what you want, when you want and for whatever reason you want.

So, back to the alignment thing…

Let’s clarify what "alignment" really means because I see people using this term without really explaining it.

Alignment Occurs On Two Levels:

1. Alignment with the Laws of Quantum Physics

In short, in the world of Quantum Physics - thoughts (positive or negative) attract their equivalent or vibrational match. Think good thoughts attract good things. Think bad, negative or needy thoughts and you’ll attract bad, negativity and need.

Because, whatever you focus on with intensity and emotion will set the Universe in motion to bring that into your life.

Emotion is a key there. Most of us send out far stronger emotional signals about the things we don't want than those we do want.

And that’s normal. It’s how you and I are wired and it takes very deliberate thinking to overcome our emotional hard-wiring.

But thankfully, it can be done. (Don’t worry if this seems a little strange to you right now. I’ll give you plenty of real life examples in our certification course)

2. Conscious and Subconscious Alignment

Your Conscious desires and your Subconscious intention must be in alignment.

If your Conscious Mind wants one thing and your Subconscious Mind wants something else (counter-intention) it is impossible to create what you truly want.

Sure, you can temporarily trick yourself into getting something while you are out of alignment, but in the end it never lasts.

For instance…

Maybe you get a new job but soon you’re right back where you were before –barely scraping by and miserable.

Or maybe you stumble into some money or even create some money through a side business. But soon it too disappears. You chalk it up to the cliché: “easy come easy go.”

But I’m here to tell you, that’s a lie! The Truth is it’s just as easy to keep whatever you get once you are in alignment.

Doesn’t this idea of alignment explain a lot of the ups and owns in your life?

Listen, I’ve been studying this idea for the last 30 years and I can tell you science is teaching us more and more every day about the relationship between our conscious and sub-conscious minds.

That’s why it is critical that whomever you decide to get your manifestation and self-improvement ideas from knows how to apply this tidal wave of new information.

You must choose a teacher that can separate scientific fact from scientific opinion. You need someone, like me, who gets excited about combing through page after page of scientific studies and journals for any little insight that others might miss.

Just sharing these ideas with you gets me excited. There’s so much I want to share with you…

But perhaps I need to back-up and let you in on…

My Secret Struggle

Not many people know it now, but for most of my life I struggled with money issues.

Earning it, not handling it properly, not having what I felt was enough, living in fear of losing it - were all issues in my life at one time or another.

When I was first introduced to the idea of manifesting or the Law of Attraction, it was just an intellectual concept. (I now call it Deliberate Creation)

But when I tried to apply that concept to money, it scared the heck out of me.

Despite how much I knew at a deep inner level about being in alignment, I still lived in financial fear. And those fears kept me from applying what I KNEW was the Truth. So I – maybe like you feel right now – felt stuck. I had all the information I needed to be free.

But I just could not get myself to DO IT.

And as the saying goes, if you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting what you are getting. That was true in my life for far longer than I care to admit.

So, here’s happened to allow me to start…

Turning The Corner

One day I had a revelation.

Something inside of me said,

“Robert, as long as you intellectually understand about Deliberate Creation but don’t actually start trusting it, that’s the exact same thing as saying that Deliberate Creation doesn’t exist.

Therefore, you continue to feed your financial struggles... you are caught in a trap of your own making. The end result is that you will never experience financial freedom. Like the trapeze artist in the circus, you must let go of one trapeze in order to reach the other.”

In other words, I needed to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. It was at that point I decided follow – to the letter – exactly what I will share with you in my course The Secret of Deliberate Creation.

There are no words that can express the freedom I experienced once I let go and trusted this one of a kind process.

I trusted my Subconscious Mind and the principles of Quantum Physics to lead me to the right people, circumstances, conditions and opportunities that would turn my financial life around.


It Wasn’t All Sunshine And Roses

Again, let me be completely transparent with you...

I had a few setbacks in the beginning, and you will too, but I decided that this either works or it doesn’t.

Just like you, I needed to KNOW for SURE.

So I took a deep breath and chose to be consistent in applying the principles.

I was consistent in KNOWING and ACTING that my Subconscious Mind and the Laws of Quantum Physics were at work and that money would never be an issue for me again.

And from that point on, money has flowed freely into my life from every direction!

So, the question running through your mind right now might be…

"Who Are You And Why Should I Care?"

Hi, my name is Dr. Robert Anthony.

I am a best-selling author, Master Hypnotist, International Trainer, and Personal Performance Consultant.

Over the past 30 years I’ve trained and worked with thousands of people, helping them to overcome obstacles that have held them back and create the lives they’ve always dreamed of. (I say I’ve helped thousands, but if you count my best selling books, it’s more like millions. I’ll share some of their public testimonials in just a minute.)

I want to call a time-out right now and say…

If you aren’t already beginning to see and feel the power behind what I am saying, then this may not be right for you.

However, if what you’ve been hearing does ring true… if you have felt the same frustration I felt… then that is a sure sign you’re ready. And that’s good news, because your life is about to change dramatically for the better.

But before I show you how to get started with my The Secret of Deliberate Creation course, there’s something else you need to know about me…

In fact, I think you need to know this before you consider what I have to offer.

Before The Gurus… Before The Secret…
Before The Internet…

Over the past five years, since the “Secret” was published, dozens of manifestation “experts” and“gurus” have shown up on the scene.

Everyone is cashing in on promoting the “Law of Attraction” by offering “manifestation” books, seminars and audio programs.

I think it is important for you to consider I have been teaching the “Law of Attraction” and Manifestation “Secrets” and personal development for over 30 years.

What that means to you is that for more than a quarter century, I’ve been helping people just like you get what they want, when they want it, for whatever reason they want.

Unlike many new gurus, this is not a way for me to make a fast buck.

This is my life… my calling.

I have written fifteen books on different aspects of manifestation, the Law of Attraction and personal development. I’ve been published, in real books – not self published e-books - since the early eighties.

Here’s a screen shot from Amazon…

Amazon screen shot of the Ultimate Secrets of Total Self-Confidence

However, despite my credentials and proven successes with students, I wasn’t in “The Secret”.

But it’s not because I was not asked.

In fact, I was the first person Rhonda Byrnes approached for the project. She personally emailed me and said I was her first choice.

She also acknowledges me in the introduction of the book. 

Here’s a picture of the page that I scanned… that way you don’t have to take my word for it…

How To Finally Take Back Control Of Your Life...
And Get Unstuck Forever!

What we are talking about is taking control of your life.

Let’s see if I can explain it like this…

Cars have driver’s seats and passenger seats. Passengers have no power or control over what happens in the car, right? It’s the drivers who have all the power and control. 

When you are in default mode, you are an Unconscious Creator… you are in the passenger seat.

But when you become a Conscious Deliberate Creator, you have the opportunity to jump into the driver’s seat and take control of your life.

When you do that, you will be guided to the right people, circumstances, conditions and opportunities that are in alignment with what you truly desire.

Once you collapse the limited beliefs and habitual patterns that have you locked into limitation, you will KNOW at a very deep inner level that you will never have to worry about creating anything you desire again.

The Secret of Deliberate Creation Course is like driver’s education for your life.

It’s real… it’s hands on… and it will make you a better driver. You’ll know everything you need to know to get from point A to point B faster than the 'walking around' or 'bumming a ride' through life you are doing now.

After the course, all you’ll need is practice. And just like a car, the practice is actually nothing more than going through your life and driving your new car.

In other words, it’s not an extra step, it’s just part of how you get from where you are to where you want to go, when you want to go there.

Just like when you finally get your first car, you no longer have to wait on anyone to go where you want to go, when you want to go for whatever reason you want to go.

In short, you have just rediscovered that very real bit of freedom your life has been missing by being a passenger instead of a driver.

And remember, just like you get a license to drive a car, I’m going to make sure you get certified to drive the car of Deliberate Creation too. More on that in just a minute.

But first, take a look at this letter of appreciation I received…

“Though I own literally hundreds of spoken-word audio courses, I don't ever remember taking the time to write a testimonial. But I had to this time. Excellence of this extraordinary degree demands acknowledgment, respect and, most of all, gratitude.

The only way I can describe it to someone who thinks this is just another self improvement program is this:

Imagine what romance, adventure, excitement and sheer fun would suddenly flood into your life if you stumbled across a real-life treasure map. Imagine further that this treasure map leads you, step by easy step, to one of the world's richest gold hoards, buried right in your own neighborhood. If you take just a moment to imagine those feelings vividly right now, you'll be getting close to the feelings this program ushers into your life as soon as you get into it.

This is the real thing, life's ultimate Treasure Map, the most reliable, easiest-to-follow map anyone can possess to find every treasure he or she desires in life, whether that treasure be gold, love, health or anything else that adds richness to life.

I thought "Think and Grow Rich," the book that launched a million millionaires, was the landmark work in this field. It has now been surpassed by "The Secret of Deliberate Creation," the new king of the hill in making dreams come true and manifesting one's desires, purely with the power of thought. Thoughts really do have wings.

Without this program, a person can spend years, even decades, drilling dry holes and burrowing down barren shafts, reaping only dust. With it, that same person will be guided straight to the mother lode, literally at the speed of thought. I cannot recommend it highly enough.”

-- Gary Bencivenga, Accountable Advertising, Garden City, NY

Just so you know, I don't show you these letters I’ve received to impress you but to impress upon you that this has worked for real people just like you.

“Doc in a Box”

Once you decide to take back control of your life using The Secret of Deliberation Creation course, you’ll be given instant access to the program.

This is my very best work on the principles and processes of manifestation. The ideas, examples and exercises you’ll hear on these sessions are the same ones I use daily in my practice with my clients.

The only difference is, you won’t have to drive to my office, get me on the phone and worry about scheduling.  Not to mention, you won't be asked to pay my hourly rate of $500.

And when you consider there are over 6 hours of session content, that’s a very real value of $3,000.

Here’s a sneak peak at the table of contents for your “Doc in a Box” Secrets of Deliberate Creation course…

The Secret To Deliberate Creation : Disk 1

  • Introduction
  • Quantum Physics - The Key To Creating Your Future
  • The Law Of Attraction
The Secret To Deliberate Creation : Disk 1

The Secret To Deliberate Creation : Disk 2
  • How The Collective Consciousness Of Others Controls Your Life
  • How To Use Your Natural Inner Guidance System
  • The Secret Of The Flip Switch 
  • Introducing Your Essential Silent Partner
The Secret To Deliberate Creation : Disk 2

The Secret To Deliberate Creation : Disk 3
  • Heart-Set vs. Mindset
  • How To Know What You Truly Desire
  • Your Creative Magic Energy - The Law Of Critical Mass
The Secret To Deliberate Creation : Disk 3

The Secret To Deliberate Creation : Disk 4
  • Communicating With Your ESP
  • Understanding Time And Your "Point Of Power"
  • Allowing vs. Resisting
The Secret To Deliberate Creation : Disk 4

The Secret To Deliberate Creation : Disk 5
  • Removing Self-Sabotage And Mental Blocks
  • Let Go And Let It Happen
The Secret To Deliberate Creation : Disk 5

The Secret To Deliberate Creation : Disk 6
  • How To Know When It's Time To Take Action
  • The Road To No More Excuses
  • The Ultimate Secret To Creating Your Life By Design
The Secret To Deliberate Creation : Disk 6

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How to Woo a Pisces

The way to woo a Pisces is to make sure that he or she knows that you are playing for keeps. This is the sign of soulmates and like penguins, Pisces natives like to mate for life. Loyalty is very important to this sign so make sure you make your intentions clear from the beginning. They like to be courted, slowly, formally and with great sincerity.

They will not tolerate being less than number one in your life and from the point at which your relationship begins with one you will not be able to make another decision in your life ever again without consulting him or her.

09How to Woo an Aquarius

Oct 09

If you are falling for an Aquarian be prepare to deliver a lot of compliments. They can be quite narcissistic. Aquarians crave recognition, especially for their ideas and creativity, so your key to winning one’s heart is to treat him or her like a celebrity. This means being taking them to the latest hot spots and allowing them to expand their social circle unhindered by jealousy or territorialism.

If you are going to love a “flaky” Aquarius then prepared to develop a thick skin as they are likely to throw the status quo back in your face in someway. It is often the Aquarius that seems to be flirting with a new beau when just the night before you had been told how much you were loved. As they are so free willed, intelligent and high spirited the words unconditional love definitely come to mind.

Sep 09

How to Woo a Capricorn

If you want to woo a Capricorn then your best bet is to “keep it simple, stupid.” Capricorn natives are compassionate people but they don’t suffer fools gladly. They also don’t like people who are waste money or who have bad taste. This is not the time to wear that seventies retro shirt unless it is absolutely in style.

Capricorns like to be slowly and subtly charmed and dislike anyone who is a braggart or over social climber. Overt displays of wealth disgust them. For instance a female Capricorn is more to love someone who drives a Saturn then a Ferrari.

Aug 09

How to Woo a Sagittarius

The best way to woo a Sagittarius is to be very direct and open about your feelings while at the same time giving him or her a long leash to do what they want. Although they love expressions of appreciation from a lover they do not like to feel smothered, penned in or hampered in any way by a relationship. The beautiful thing about them however is that once they are smitten they can be the most devoted of partners that offers expressions of commitment and devotion through actions and gifts on an almost daily basis. Having patience with an Archer is definitely worth it.

Aug 09

Your Horoscope and Your Career

When the majority of the planets are well aspected and above the Earth or when the Sun is in good aspect to the Moon and Mars it is generally easy for the person to obtain a situation and when the Sun is in good aspect to Jupiter it gives promise of a lucrative occupation. But when the majority of the planets are below the Earth, weak and afflicted, or when the Sun is in bad aspect to the Moon, Mars or Jupiter, it is usually difficult for the person to find employment.

Jul 09

How to Woo a Scorpio

Don’t even think of wooing a Scorpio unless your life has some kind of strong mission or purpose attached to it. Scorpios like individuals that seem attached to a cause. They find people with drive, ambition and determination to be very sexy. If you don’t have strong opinions start developing them as a Scorpio will love you for them even if he or she disagrees with you.

Contrary to popular belief most Scorpios would rather have a cause or a mission as a rival rather than another person. Still it is hard to deny their reputation for becoming the third party in love triangles. Perhaps this is because if a Scorpio does not want something that nobody else wants. However they cannot help but covet what others have.

Jun 09

The Sun in the 12 Houses

The Sun is the most important body in your astrology chart, having the most profound impact on your astrology chart. Here we look at the 12 houses:

The Sun is the source of vitality. The First House signifies are constitutional condition and the home of our childhood, hence the Sun well aspected in the First House adds to the vitality of the rising sign and augments the recuperative powers. It brightens life during the days of childhood and stabilizes the nature, making the person more cheerful and companionable, ambitious to succeed in life, courageous in overcoming obstacles. The outlook on life is joyful and optimistic, hence the chances of success are increased. People with the Sun in this position love to lead and exercise authority over others; they are very jealous of the esteem of the community, upright and honest in their dealings.
When the Sun is afflicted in the First House it lowers the vitality, makes the person timid and vacillating, lacking in courage and ambition; hence the chances of a successful life are slim unless many aspects are good, thus modifying this condition.

Continue reading →
Relationships— Comments Off
Jun 09

How to Woo a Libra

If you are attracted to a Libra you will sooner or later feel a bit like a cat that is trying to catch a butterfly. These ethereal creatures are hard to pin down simply because they are famous for being indecisive. They are always courting several romantic possibilities at once. They are easily smothered and if you show jealousy just once they will run!

People born under the sign of the Scales are very elusive and have senses of humor that almost seem designed to keep intimacy away. It can take ages before you get a straight answer out of them. This is so you don’t get too close and ask them to make a decision.

How to Woo a Virgo

Wooing a Virgo can be a challenge as they are very suspicious of anything new. Chances are that they are stuck in a routine in which they have absolute control and that may not be designed to accommodate a newcomer. This means that you must cleverly insinuate yourself into the Virgo’s life without the Virgo noticing.

Virgo’s are often called the control freaks of the horoscope. They usually invent a world and live in it. This is usually not a fantasy world (like something an Aquarius would create to amuse his or her friends.) It is usually a very practical construction that enables workaholicism or reaching a long-term goal in some way.

Apr 09

How to Woo a Leo

If you are interested in a Leo you better get out your wallet because Leos like things to be done in grand style especially when it comes to courting. These arrogant creatures, which are ruled by the Sun, need to be treated like Royalty. A Leo will not have much to do with anyone who is not willing to drop their agenda for his or hers.

Lions love luxury so make sure your pad is blinged out with the best bed, a comfortable couch and the finest in wine and fine snacks. They are also politically correct by nature so don’t take them to   or offer them a Coca-Cola or they will see you as being in ethical.

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    WARNING: Because this report is focused on Islam from a critical perspective there is more chance of this report being taken offline than any previous reports we have offered. So whilst the site is up get the report because you will understand why when you start reading!
     How Can One Put This Down to Sheer Coincidence?

    My name is Reece Woodstock, the lead production manager on this eagerly awaited, new, unique release, called "The Final Crusade".

    As you will be more than be aware, over the last twenty years, no religion has been in the media spotlight more than Islam. Since the first Gulf War in 1990 and George Bush Snr mention of the need for a "New World Order", there has been an escalation of tragic major world events in which Islam is either at the forefront or somehow still indirectly connected.

    In August 1998 there was a terrorist attack on the US embassy in Kenya which killed 223 people and injured more than 4000.


    In October 2000 there was the suicide attack against the United States Navy while it was harboured in the port of Aden in Yemen in which 17 sailors were killed and 39 injured.


    On September 11th 2001, we all then witnessed the most tragic terrorist attacks in the history of terrorism with the coordination of four terrorist attacks on the United States in which close to 3000 people died. This then led to the October 2001 invasion of Afghanistan and the hunt for Osama Bin Laden.


    In March 2003 we saw the United States under the leadership of George Bush Jr invade Iraq for the second time as retribution for the terrorist attacks on the United States. A war in which the Iraqi Baathist regime was decimated and Saddam Hussein eventually captured, tried and hanged by this own people.


    In March 2004 we witnessed the Madrid train bombings in which  191 people died and over 1800 were wounded followed by the July 7th London bombings in which 52 people died and 700 were injured.


    In November 2008 we saw a terrorist attack on Mumbai in India in which 185 people died and more than 300 people injured


    Finally in 2011 we also witnessed the cold blooded Anders Behring Breivik, who master minded a simultaneous terrorist attack on the Norwegian capital of Oslo killing 8 people, whilst going on a shoot spree which ended in 69 deaths. All based on him wanting to further the agenda of wanting European governments to resist the tide of Islam.

    In between all of these incidents we have also witnessed Iran trying to develop nuclear weapons and aiming to fast track the return of the Islamic Madhi, the ongoing war of Hamas and Hezbollah against Israel, the Arab uprisings across the Muslim world, the increasing debate regarding the assimilation of Muslims into society in Europe and the United States and the extraordinary situation in which the Muslim Brotherhood came to power in Egypt several months ago.

    I am sure you would have to agree with me that this increased profile of Islam on a world stage, and on a week to week basis, cannot be sheer coincidence. I am sure you have seen in in your own community or country the evidence of the growing influence of Islam.

    Is Islam Actually Taking Over the World?

    Before we even have had an opportunity to digest everything that has happened since 1990 all of a sudden we are also facing the outbreak of a rapidly growing movement known as Chrislam, which has already made inroads into some of the Episcopalian and Presbyterian Christian churches across the United States.

    Chrislam, if your not familiar with it, is a new brand of teaching which seeks to merge Christianity and Islam into one faith based on their common ground. The concept being that both faiths originate from the same root which is Abraham.

    In addition to that, we are also witnessing high profile Muslim leaders taking charge of globalist institutions. For instance El Hassan bin Talal, brother of the King of Jordan was the president of the Club of Rome (a "Globalist Think Tank") for a decade from 1997 until 2007. Additionally, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia is the present head of the “Interfaith Center” in Vienna known as the King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Center for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue, which promotes cooperation between world religions.

    And on top of this we have the fact that Barack Obama, President of the United States also has ties to Islam from his youth.

    Something must be going on.......................In fact something has to be going on!

    The question of whether Islam is taking over the world is a valid question because if this religion is seizing control of the earths direction then what does this mean from a prophetical perspective?

    Does the Bible give us the blueprint? What about the Illuminati? which I am sure you have heard mentioned so many times previously. Are they behind this Islamic revolution or is the last twenty years something which has even caught the Illuminati off guard? Furthermore is it possible that Islam could take over the Illuminati. Has it done so already without us knowing?.

    The Final Crusade!

    If we were to randomly purchase books from Amazon which try to offer insights into Islam and prophecy it becomes very clear that there is so much still missing from what is being presented. Most publications are for the most part predictable and offer very little in terms of new information. Many simply rehash what has been said by other bible prophecy ministries.

    On the other side of the coin we have the rise of the "Islamic Antichrist Theory" movement. This is a growing body of researchers who are teaching that the evidence we see all around us is proof that the biblical prophecies about a coming Antichrist and One World Government need to be interpreted in the context of Islam rather than anything previously taught.

    "They say, forget the European Union, forget Roman Catholicism, forget the Jesuits, forget the Illuminati, forget Freemasonry and forget the Bilderbergers. Our attention needs to be solely on the Islamic world."

    With so many questions to address, we decided to launch the "The Final Crusade",  a 250 page report which would not be like any other report out there. A report that stands on its own two feet and pulls back the confusion to reveal the truth about Islamic agenda and where the world is heading.

    2 weeks ago we sent pre-launch editions to several researchers to review and the feedback has been nothing short of incredible. They believe this report is one of the most "insightful" publications to make sense of what is happening right now in 2012.

    So lets take a look now at why they came to this conclusion.


    An incredible introduction to the origins and many faces of Islam. How did Islam begin? What are its core beliefs? How could a religion that is so strongly monotheistic still allow room within for occultic diversions to arise? Is there more than meets the eye in the stories of Aladdin and his Lamp? What is the core basis for the centuries old argument between the Arabs and the Israeli's about ownership of the land? Why has there been so much discussion on social networking sites about Islam's connection with the pagan religions of old Arabia? How close and far is Islam from Christianity in terms of its belief structure?  Should Islam be given some special status because of its claims that its origins lie with Abraham?

    Did you know that Islam has a split personality. Whilst you may have viewed it as a very conservative and insular religion, learn about the second face of Islam and why it has been labelled as the umbilical chord that ties Islam to its controversial origins!. (Addressed in Part 1: Page 9)

    Click Here for Sneak Preview


    Many researchers talk about the Arab nations descending from Ishmael hence their historic dispute about the land promised to Abraham. But it wasn't Ishmael alone, guess who the other Biblical  father is for the Arab people today. (Addressed in Part 1: Page 24)


    What is the importance of Spiritual Mapping and what evidence can we see that there is more to Islam than meets the eye? (Addressed in Part 1: Page 32)


    Many people claim there are significant parallels between the Bible and Quran. Yet the evidence is that Mohammed borrowed more from "non inspired works" and in some cases heretical books such as the "Gnostic Gospels" and the "Talmud."  Learn about some of the key beliefs he brought into Islam! (Addressed in Part 2: Page 41)


    Revelation, Jeremiah and Isaiah make reference to the final destruction of Babylon. Was this a historical event that has already passed or is it still a future event? What about the rebuilding of Babylon in Iraq? Is this a total 100% coincidence or is there a spirit which is influencing the region to reconnect back to its Babel origins? Why are wall street investors saying that the Iraqi economy is the investors best kept secret? Is there a reason why Iraq has always seemed to host the very worst when it comes to pagan religion? Surely Iraq as a country in social crisis cannot be a future dominant world power for commerce...or can she?

    How can a religion based right now in an Islamic country like Iraq practice the worship of Satan without any reprisal from the Iraqi government. Do you know what religion this is? (Addressed in Part 2: Page 5)


    What Saddam Hussein started in 1984 with his "Babylon Rebuilding project"  was dismissed as nothing more than a Middle East "Disneyland" yet the present project has received over 10 million USD worth of funding. Is the "Prince of Babylon" sitting over the domain of Iraq today? (Addressed in Part 2: Page 13)


    Despite being decimated by the Gulf war, civil unrest and internal struggles with terrorist groups, Iraq is using the power of oil to strengthen its presence in the Middle East. Which major oil companies have signed deals with Iraq over the last few years.(Addressed in Part 2: Page 16)


    Which Wall Street Analyst is telling people to "buy as much Iraqi Dinar's as you can" for one of the best investment opportunities ever? (Addressed in Part 2: Page 20)



    Is there really a strategy that Islam is using to take over the Western World? Learn about one of the most profound "buzz words" on the political scene. Just how dangerous is Islamization? Are Western governments totally asleep on this issue or are they willingly allowing Islamization to happen because it serves a higher purpose? Understand how an unmovable wave of Islamization, if allowed to go unchallenged, could change the global scene over the next decade and alter the dynamics of the Middle East.

    Do you know anything about the roots of the terrorist movements?Yassir Arafat, Osama Bin Laden? How did it begin and where did it all start? What is the relevance of the Muslim Brotherhood winning the recent Egyptian elections? (Addressed in Part 3: Page 5)


    What is Islamization and which countries in the Western hemisphere have been specifically targeted? (Addressed in Part 3: Page 36)


    Which organization in the United States has Barack Obama supported even though the organization has a proven link to working with terrorist organizations? (Addressed in Part 3: Page 55)


    Which school of thought within of Islam is now championing the emergence of a New Islamic Order (Addressed in Part 3: Page 61)



    The barbaric crusades for control of Jerusalem during the medieval era have still left open wounds in terms of reconciliation between Islam and Christianity, even now in the twenty first century. Islam claims that there is a secret agenda to undermine its position in the world as a leading exporter of oil. The Western World believes that true world peace cannot be achieved until the Israel - Palestinian crisis has been resolved. Jerusalem is becoming the burdensome stone as prophesied by Zechariah. Understand the dynamics which shape this explosive issue of Islam vs The West, right now in the twenty first century.

    What has been the impact of Anders Behring Brevik's Norwegian Massacre, on the counter-islamic groups across Europe and the United States? Why is there a link between Brevik and the Knights Templar? (Addressed in Part 4: Page 6)


    What is the actual real and true purpose of the Muslim Dome of the Rock which sits on the temple mount in Jerusalem? (Addressed in Part 4: Page 18)


    What was the controversy over the building and launch of the so called "Grand Zero Mosque" 5 blocks away from the World Trade Center? (Addressed in Part 4: Page 22)


    Why are there double standards in Islam when it comes to adhering to the Islamic Jurisdictional College’s declaration of July 15, 1978 in regards to the association of Islam with Freemasonry?  (Addressed in Part 4: Page 28)



    What is it that Islam really fears which has caused it to become the way it has in regards to the Capital West? Why are Jews continually accused by Islam for nearly every ill that comes against the Arab world? Are the Jews and Muslims connected by an umbilical chord which means that one's success is the others loss? What about Islamic Eschatology and the increased focus on the coming of an Islamic Saviour? Will this Islamic Saviour be the Biblical Antichrist? or is the "Islamic Antichrist theory" inconsistent with the true destiny of Islam?

    Which video released by the Iranian government proves they are considering the possibility of invoking a world crisis to hasten what they believe will be the coming of the Madhi and the Islamic Jesus? (addressed in Part 5: Page 20)

    Click Here for Sneak Preview


    Which two controversial documents provide  monumental evidence that there  is a specific agenda for Islam and Israel which shows that their destinies are totally linked? (addressed in Part 5: Page 27,33)


    What are the 12 building blocks that completely under pin the prophetic role of Islam? (addressed in Part 5: Page 58)


    With men like Chuck Missler now believing that the Antichrist could be a Muslim is there now too much evidence to ignore? (addressed in Part 5: Page 67)


    Why This Report Today?

    1. Brilliant Feedback From the Prelaunch Reviews: Because most of the pre launch reviewers were actually non Christians and even they admitted that this report builds a compelling case regarding the prophetical direction that Islam is taking the world towards.

    2. You Cannot Run From Islam. It Will Find You in Some Shape or Form: Islam will impact you in the future. Whether its the fact that you are witnessing more Mosques being built in your area or whether laws are being changed in your country for the sake of "political correctness" and to deal with what they see as Islamaphobia or whether your children are going to a school with an influx of Muslims who are starting to challeng their faith.

    Maybe your church  is starting to teach that Jews, Muslims and Christians all believe in the same God of the Old Testament. Maybe you are part of a social group that includes Muslim and so you are being exposed to more of their beliefs and ideas for social change. You need to stand up to Islam eye to eye and confront it. This report will provide you areas for discernment.

    3. A Tool for Engagement: If you are a Christian, you need to recognize that Islam is no religious accident. It didn't just accidently begin. Islam is a direct confrontation to Christianity and as a Christian it is your responsibility to ensure you understand how this religion will turn this world upside down over the coming years. Additionally this report will give you the ammunition to converse with them. Did you know that many every day Muslims are not even aware about the true agenda of Islam.

    4. The Right Balance: The report is  a logical and sequential education on Islam and the end times. You don't have to worry about lack of new content from what you have already read or whether the reports are too complicated. "The Final Crusade" provides the perfect balance between "originality and fresh information" and "simplicity of understanding."

    This is Your Choice!
    There is no beating around the bush or hard sell with this mammoth report.

    Either you are hungry for more insight, more knowledge and more research to help you teach and inform others or maybe you believe you know it all, or have your own world view and think only you are right and everyone else wrong. We have no idea of where you stand today, but the one thing we will say is this.......
    If you download this report you will understand the relevance of everything that is happening in our world today where Islam is concerned. You no longer have to trawl the website and be frustrated by poor research, rehashed information and no originality. The Final Crusade will rank up there with one of the most insightful reports you have ever laid your hands on.
    Take your first step and be one of the 2% of the population who are seeking the alternative truth and not just happy to be continually fed the junk media diet of what Politicians are telling you about Islam.

     <a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a>

    WARNING: Please ensure when you download this report that you handle the information sensitively as it is focused on a highly controversial topic.

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