Thursday 11 July 2013


Bonus 1
Quick and Simple Paleo Meals
Quick and Simple Paleo Meals cookbook
Just in: An additional cookbook with 30 quick and simple complete Paleo meal recipes.
Great recipes such as: Flank Steak with Cherry Tomato Salad , Beef Kabobs with BBQ Eggplant and Herb Roasted Chicken Breast with Pan-Fried Vegetables.
Yours for free today
Along with the main cookbook, this brings the total number of recipes to over 400!
Quick preview (Click the pictures)

Bonus 2
8 week Paleo meal plan
8 weeks meal plan
The complete 8 week Paleo Meal Plan: Lets you jump on board of the Paleo Diet right away with everything on autopilot and already planned out for you.
Yours for free today
Quick preview (Click the pictures)

Bonus 3
Herb and spice guide
The Herbs and Spices guide
Learn how to use your favorite herbs and spices to create amazing flavors for any kind of meal. Also learn about the medicinal and nutritional virtues of the most popular herbs and spices.
Yours for free today
Ginger, basil, cinnamon, oregano, paprika, turmeric, mint, thyme, rosemary, dill…
Quick preview (Click the pictures)
Special bonus
Paleo Desserts
Paleo Desserts cookbook
Just in: Yet another cookbook filled with 15 delicious Paleo Desserts.
Mouth watering Paleo desserts like Dark Chocolate Almond Bark, Cranberry Muffins and Apple Dumplings.
Yours for free today
All of them prepared only with natural ingredients like almond flour, raw honey and cocout oil!
Quick preview (Click the pictures)

What others have to say about the cookbook

This is not your average cook book. During my first glance through Sébastien's phenomenal new cooking guide I was blown away by the shear volume of helpful cooking information it contains. This isn't just a collection of delicious paleo recipes (of which it contains well over 300!), it's also an indispensable guide on how to master the preparation of various complicated dishes.

Want to know how to cook the perfect steak? Check. Make your own homemade stock? Check. Curious about lacto-fermenting foods? Check. That doesn't even begin to crack the surface. The 8 week meal plan will help any paleo newbie stick to a healthy eating plan, while the comprehensive herb and spice guide will start you on your way to becoming a wiz in the kitchen.

David Csonka

I was pleasantly surprised by The Paleo Recipe Book, and I think you will be too. Do your mouth and stomach a favor, and check this out.

- David Csonka of Naturally Engineered

  1. Paleo Recipe Book and bonuses

The cookbook itself is a $39 value, but today you get it for as low as $27 dollars. As an added bonus, you get the Quick and Simple Paleo Meals cookbook, the Paleo Meal Plan, the Herb and Spice guide and the Paleo Desserts cookbook for free. Those four bonuses are a $70 value on their own!

Just click the big orange "Buy Now" button below for INSTANT ACCESS...

Your Body Can't Handle The Foods of Modern
Living & If You Don't Make Immediate Changes
To Your Diet You Will Live A Shorter Life In
Constant ILL Health?

Researchers have found indisputable evidence that these modern foods are the cause of health conditions from heart disease to obesity and cancer. The good news is there is a simple and easy solution to achieving good health - literally starting today!

       Hi, my name is Nikki Young and I'm going to reveal to you that by eating the way many health professionals are telling you to eat, is actually unhealthy and that simply eating an old-fashioned diet is the key to longevity, good health and a lean body.

The truth is that because our living conditions are changing so rapidly with the technology we have made available today, processed foods laden with sugar and fats and chemicals are at your fingertips 24/7...

The question is, why is no-one is telling you that these foods are making you sick and fat!?

Well, I am right now!

But in order to make a positive change to your nutrition and lifestyle you need to know that there are people and companies out there that have and continue to control the information you hear and read about what you should eat in order to be healthy..

Because if you don't know and accept this, you will keep getting caught out!

Let me ask you something...

  • Do you believe everything you read in the newspaper? (most likely not..)

  • Do you believe everything you hear on TV from the media? (I bet you don't)

  • Do you believe that everything marketed to you as healthy actually is?
    If you said yes... well.. you shouldn't..

Most people aren't aware that the diet we are consuming in modern society is bad for our health and one of the reasons is the marketing around foods and the belief often accepted as true from what companies and health professionals are telling us.

Even doctors won't always give you the best advice possible for maintaining and living in optimal health, doctors are trained within a system to treat through operations and drugs, they are not trained in nutrition!

There are many traps and there is a lot of misleading information out there that is pointing you in the wrong direction...

But whatever you do..

.. don't accept effective marketing from companies and organisations wanting to generate business and profits by steering your life down the wrong path to health and longevity.

After reading what I have to say, you will have the choice of either altering your diet and living longer and healthier, or choosing to consume the foods that have negative effects on your body and live shorter with ill health.

We Have a Lifestyle That Is So Easy
With Food At Our Fingertips
But We Need To Eat Like Our Ancestors

Did you know that a hunter gatherer 250,000 years ago, with a haircut, wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt would look the same as you and I today?

250,000 years is the latest estimate on us as a species in which there has been absolutely no changes in our protein coding DNA -this is from recent research in evolutionary biology.

Everyone today has the genetic makeup of our hunter gatherer ancestors!

Knowing this, it makes us look and realise that our modern diet and lifestyle is in crisis mode because of the rapid progression of modern civilized living and the fast integration of processed foods we now find everywhere today.

In-fact, most of the rapid changes in the modern diet has taken place within the last 110 years - I'll touch more on this later.

Researchers Are Surprised Too!

If there is any greater confirmation of the speed in which we as humans are adapting to changes in our modern living conditions, it's the research by James Watson, who is best known in relation to the Human Genome Project (HGP) and for winning the Nobel Prize.

What began the HGP was Watson's research on human DNA. Watson expressed that the world is becoming so polluted and changing so quickly that humans can't adapt to the changes, however, knowing that we can't go backwards and remove of all of the technology we require for the huge population of this world, in order to adapt to these rapid changes and continue to thrive we must start genetically modifying humans.

BILLIONS of dollars is being spent on this!

But you DON'T need to be generically modified to be healthy in our modern living conditions - you simply need to understand how you were meant to live and eat, and I'm going to give you a solution to doing this.

But right now..

You need to understand that the changes in our food consumption have changed dramatically within a short period of time.

Day by day things move slowly, look back over 110 years and things are moving VERY quickly!

Understand This And You're On The
Fast-Track To Good Health

You need to understand that you are a human that wasn't made to be living in the modern conditions that we are today, you are still made to optimally live as a hunter gatherer, eating foods from nature - not these overly processed, sugar laden foods lining supermarket shelves and available as fast food around every corner.

Listen. The agriculture and technology in place today is necessary for the population of the world, however the changes to our diets in only the past 110 years has been so dramatic that our health is suffering - Big Time..

It is no coincidence that the shifting of our diets only 110 years ago has resulted in the rise of health conditions we are all so familiar with..

And these changes not only include the increased consumption of grains, sugar and processed foods with preservatives and additives and the health implications they have. But also the consequences resulting from the consumption of these foods shifting the focus of our diets as a whole. These consequences include:

  • The lowering of quality nutrient intake in our diet

  • Sugar consumption increasing per person from less than 10lb in 1820 to over 100lb today!

  • Calorie intake increasing 20% in the last 40 years!

In summary, our diets have changed in the past 110 years from simple, homemade meals that where minimally refined and low in added sugars and fats, to one which is hyper-palatable, commercially engineered, heavily refined and is extremely high in added sugars and fats!

This information is everywhere! But have you seen all this evidence in the one place at the one time, helping you educate yourself intelligently on what you really should be eating for your health?

The Only Solution Is That You Adapt
Your Diet Like This...

Go back in time - back before the agricultural revolution, back before we processed and refined foods and simply start eating foods provided by Mother Nature – foods eaten by our hunter-gatherer ancestors that are designed for the human digestive system – when you do this, you will begin to experience wonderful, natural and lasting positive improvements to your health.

How can eating natural foods promote such wonderful results?

Simple: It is the nutritional value within each and every single food source that our body thrives for. It is the vitamins, minerals, protein, fats and low GI carbohydrates that maintains the health of every organ in our body – and when everything is functioning optimally, you can’t help but to experience all the benefits associated with good health.

This is why I have created the Paleo Cookbooks, a total collection of hundreds of my favorite paleo friendly recipes that will help you follow the healthiest and most nutritious diet in the world. These cookbooks contain:


  • Grains

  • Potatoes

  • Lentils

  • Dairy

  • Processed Sugars

  • Preservatives

When you consume foods we as humans have evolved to eat, while simultaneously eliminating the over processed sugar laden foods now linked to causing the many diseases we are faced with in society today, your body will be provided with the pure nutrition that will assist in normalizing your body weight and improving your health and longevity.

You and I are designed to eat and live off the land, to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and animals – this is the ultimate secret (which isn’t really a secret) to optimal health, losing weight, staying lean, improved performance, reduced risk of injury and faster recovery and healing.

But you know what...

  • You might have heard that a low-fat diet is essential for weight loss and good health. This is WRONG!

  • The truth is good fats are essential for the health of our body - good fats include Omega3, Omega6 and 9, NOT the vegetable oil at boiling point frying donuts!

    Fat is also our bodies preferred energy source for burning body fat and you will find time and time again that people who follow a low-carb diet are more successful in weight loss results than those following a high-carb low fat diet.

  • You may also have heard that red meat is bad for you, but this is very far from the truth!

  • The human digestive system is closest to a carnivore, research will tell you this and no matter how much marketing there is for carbohydrates being healthier for you than fat it won't change that aspect of human biology (although, the marketing may sell you on it). Eat everything but meat and your digestive system is going to be very unhappy and very unhealthy - let alone the rest of your body!

  • You might think that eating paleo means eating only raw meat and vegetables. Not true!

  • We have been cooking food for a long time, approximately 1.6 million years (using fire of course)! Our digestive system is best adapted now to cooked food. Just look at your teeth - they are not like a dogs, or a bears who have sharp teeth that would rip through raw flesh, our teeth have adapted to eating cooked food.

  • Have you heard that grains and dairy are necessary for good health and should be consumed daily?

  • I would be surprised if you haven't but boy, am I going to prove to you that this modern day diet loaded with grains, as well as dairy products and processed sugars are causing chronic diseases..

For Starters - Obesity!

  1. Remember how I told you that rapid changes have taken place in our diets over the last 110 years..

  2. Do you think it's only co-incidence that the insane growth of obesity in the United States over 20 years as shown in the graphics below, and the rapid changes in dietary focus from natures foods to processed and refined foods are happening at the same time?

  3. Hmm... please read everything on this page over again if you do!

  4. Don't Dive Into A Diet And Hope It's Right For You

  5. Don't do it!

  6. The paleo way of eating isn't something created by a doctor, nutritionist, scientist or supplement company!

  7. Remember, we have been eating this way for hundreds and thousands of years! We have been eating the modern diet (as it is today) for less than 110 years - and the world is a much unhealthier place as a result.

  8. I've done the hard work for you, and now that you are educated all you need to do is take action - and action is easy when you have 375+ paleo recipes at your fingertips.

  9. 8 Recipe Categories

  10. Paleo recipes under the following categories will excite your taste-buds and have you cooking an easy three course meal:

    • Snacks

    • Meat

    • Chicken

    • Fish and Seafood

    • Soups

    • Salads

    • Omelettes

    • Desserts


    Special Recipe Categories

    Recipes for the 21st Century Hunter Gatherer

    • Chocolate

    • Capsicum Sandwiches

    • Noodle Recipes


    Paleo Eating for Modern People

    • Paleo Breakfast Recipes

    • Foccacias


    Simple & Easy Paleo Recipes

    With clear step by step instructions you will produce paleo friendly meals that will get rave reviews from friends and family every time!


    Measurement Conversion Table

    No matter what metric system you use, you will easily be able to make these paleo recipes without any hassle!


    Absolutely everything You Need follow the healthiest diet in the world and to start achieving the health, energy, vitality and weight loss results you want.

  11. paleo breakfast paleo meals paleo sandwich paleo sandwich paleo dessert

Everything Is Available For You Right Now!

  • When you have your copy of my Paleo Cookbooks you will be eating healthy meals that do not result in you eating bland, boring or tasteless foods...

  • You will be cooking with fresh ingredients that provide the ultimate range of delicious flavors that will have anyone rushing to the kitchen to eat your next meal...

  • You will be able to cook desserts that aren’t overloaded with sugar and white flour which often leave you bloated, ‘heavy’ feeling or fatigued after eating...

  • And you will feel confident cooking delicious recipes without pasta, rice, bread and dairy.

Paleo Guide To Getting Started

Paleo Guide To Getting Started

If you're having a rough time getting the results you want in your health and in your weight loss efforts because you are unable to make the long-term adjustment in your food choices then THIS is the "missing link" you've been looking for.

Not only will this ebook educate you on the paleo diet and give you the information you need to get started, but I'm going to ensure that you GET results by showing you how to make an everlasting positive change towards your health.

This is an opportunity to stop struggling with reaching your health goals... when you approach your health and your food choices in the right way your life will immediately become easier, and more enjoyable with more energy, more vibrancy and with less illness slowing you down.

So if you're tired of healthy eating being 'hard' instead of easy, make sure you don't miss out on this free bonus.

Paleo Eating Out Guide

Paleo Eating Out Guide

I'm going to solve the dilemma of eating out at restaurants and cafés for you at no additional cost with the solutions inside my 'Paleo Eating Out Guide'.

I'm going to show you:

  • How to stay paleo when eating out.

  • Some example meals you can order for a paleo-friendly breakfast, lunch or dinner.

  • Helpful tips to ensure when you dine out you're not getting caught out by sneaky ingredients such as gluten and dairy.

  • At the end of this ebook, you will be looking forward to going out instead of hiding indoors like many restrictive diets would lead you to doing.

Paleo Food Guide

Paleo Food Guide

Just in-case you're thinking the paleo diet sounds fairly plain in regards to food choices, I'm throwing in another bonus. Because if you simply expand the category of vegetables alone you have hundreds of choices for flavor and texture combinations to choose from.

This Paleo Food Guide will be your best resource for all foods paleo that will help you start this diet with ease. It will also help you to explore new territory within your own cooking and creations. This guide covers:

  • Comprehensive list of paleo foods

  • List of in-season fruits, vegetables and herbs (to stay fresh!)

  • Paleo shopping list

4 Ingredients Paleo Cookbook

4 Ingredients Paleo Cookbook

This is the cookbook that makes paleo cooking easier than ever!

  • 65 easy to remember recipesprovide you with fast, everyday paleo cooking options

  • Spend less time in the kitchen and less money on food by preparing delicious paleo recipes in the simplest way possible using 4 popular paleo ingredients

  • No longer will you struggle for ideas to create a quick healthy meal!

30-Day Paleo Meal Plan

30-Day Paleo Meal Plan

125 recipes from the Paleo Cookbooks have been expertly collated in this 30-day Meal Plan. Full of color photos of delicious paleo recipes, the plan provides a kick-start for those new to the paleo diet, and offers new exciting ideas for existing paleo diet enthusiasts.

paleo cookbooks

Take The Next Step In Your Quest For
Health And A Better Life

Before you securely checkout, let me quickly summarize the entire Paleo Cookbooks package:

  • You can enjoy eating 375 simple and easy to create paleo recipes including 8 recipe categories and 5 special recipe categories not limited to chocolate and paleo breakfast recipes!

  • You will be able to create paleo recipes that help you to stay away from unhealthy sweets and fried foods!

  • You will receive the three bonus guides: Paleo Guide To Getting Started, Paleo Eating Out Guide and the Paleo Food Guide to help you understand the paleo diet and keep you on the path to following a healthier diet and enjoying

  • improved health.

  • You will also receive the 30-day Paleo Meal Plan that you can follow to fast-track your health, energy, vitality, weight loss and achieve many other health benefits associated with following the paleo diet.

  • My 4 Ingredients Paleo Cookbook consisting of 65 delicious paleo recipes is also yours to download absolutely free! This is the perfect cookbook for quick paleo recipe ideas as well as time and cost saving options.




 <a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a


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