Saturday, 8 March 2014


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ebook cover
The website has grown to about 180 pages and updating all the pages continually and promptly is not possible so we decided to create an EBook.Click Here!

Fourteen chapters which cover the most important factors in deciding if to retire here to Chaing Mai, Thailand, how to go about it, what to watch out for, how to live comfortably on less and much more.Click Here!

Accurate up to date information which can be read over in one day and you would know as much about living here as someone who has lived here for 7 years and who is in the business of helping retiree's settle in to Chiang Mai.

The EBook will save you money, save you grief, protect your savings, and enable you to live here on less with a nice Thai lady (if you are a single gentleman).Click Here!

$$$ Save money on your move to Thailand $$$
from knowing how to get the best value accommodations, how to reduce your day to day living costs and yet living comfortably, safely and affordably...Click Here!

a comprehensive EBook with photo's, and video's and never berfore revealed information about the author and where he lives and his actual cost of living costs.

An interesting read..
A must read..
for anyone considering retiring to Thailand
Click Here!

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Never never released information, plus updated information on visa's and new facts on how to do make the move here and do it right and examples where non clients and clients have not followed our advice.Click Here!

bullet Find out why we have created a new website dealing with Retirement in Cebu, Philippines.

bullet Find out our actual cost of living and how we can live here on considerably less than $550 US a month.

bullet Find out why we only recommend Introduction Services located in Chiang Mai for clients retiring toChiang Mai.

bullet Find out about the accommodations we offer to clients and why they will save you money.

bullet Find out how some retiree's get themselves into a mess financially and emotionally and how you can avoid it happening to you.

bullet Find out how to find to locate the right girl and we will even provide the exact name of places to visit and how to go about it.

bullet Find out what are the best long stay visa options and why even use a formula for financial requirements for people considering a Retirement Visa.

bullet Find out how to protect yourself against unexpected political events such as recent red shirt and yellow shirt rallies.

bullet Find out how we will make anyone the wager that they can live here not on $550 US a month but $450 US a month and we will show you how.

And that includes furnished studio apartment, pool on site, good location near grocery shopping, cable tv, wifi, and day to day living costs and entertainment .. normal medical expenses estimated and included.

bullet Find out why we say we can find a Thai girlfriend .. a nice one.. within 1 week and without hitting the bars.

bullet Find out how to do "working without working" and make money tax free in Chiang Mai which will supplement your savings and pension and give you more money to live on and also peace of mind about your financial health.

bullet New topics that will improve your quality of life and have you feeling better about yourself. No one else discusses these topics yet they will make a difference in your retirement life here in Chiang Mai.

bullet Your choice of E-book "With full 3 months e-mail support" or just the E-book.
Click Here!

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